Casa Stradivari
...find your Instrument
In 2016 we moved our atelier from Cologne to the Black Forest on 1000 m altitude and a marvelous view on the Appenzeller alps with its Säntis mountain with 2.501 m altitude.
Here, in the CASA STRADIVARI (1.000 m altitude) you will find the perfect atmosphere and silence to enjoy and try our contemporary and historic instruments. While staying with us don’t forget to study our Antonio Stradivari related books in our library room made by the Jost Thöne Verlag. There is a wonderful selection of interesting books around violin making and Antonio Stradivari waiting for you to read.

This is the ideal location in which to try out our ever-expanding collection of modern and antique instruments in a relaxed environment. Our focus on contemporary violins, violas and cellos reflects the increasing demand for these instruments; indeed, many renowned soloists and leading musicians are convinced by the hugely improved quality offered by new instruments.
Historic violins, violas and cellos of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries complete our collection, giving you the opportunity to directly compare the ‘old’ with the ‘new’. You are also welcome to bring your own instrument, or one which you are trying from elsewhere, as a comparison. In this way, you are sure to make the best decision.
New in stock:
Antique Instruments
- Matteo Goffriller, violin
- Nicolo Gagliano, violin
- Michele Deconet, violin
- C.G. Testore, violin
- P. Grulli, violin
New Instruments
- Francesco Toto, Cremona - violin, viola, cello
- Alessandro Ciciliati, Ferrara - violine, viola, cello
- Alessandro Ciciliati, Ferrara - string quartet
- Luca Salvadori, Cremona - violin
- Davide Sora, Cremona - violin
- Alessandro di Matteo, - violin
We like to welcome you at CASA STRADIVARI!
Just contact us to make an appointment
Jost Thöne