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Pietro Grulli


One of the very last of the traditional late Cremonese violin makers. Pietro Grulli initially made pianos in his earlier times. During the wars of Italian independence (1860s) there was only a little demand for these instruments and he turned back to violin making. His output was small and his work sometimes lacks refinement and consistency. Stylistically his instruments are often long in body length, heavy in edgework and with an unusual arching. His more refined instrumenst are rare but show the influence of his contemporary Enrico Ceruti.The sound of his instruments is extremely remarkable. See: "the late Cremonese Violin Makers", by Dmitry Gindin "Italian & French Violin Makers", by Jost Thöne

Instrumente zur Ansicht

In unserer Ausstellung können wir Ihnen Violinen von Pietro Grulli in der Preiskategorie bis zu 100.000 Euro präsentieren.