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Antonio Stradivari 1714 VL Joachim, Ma

The renowned Hungarian virtuoso Joseph Joachim (1831–1907) owned a series of instruments throughout his brilliant career. This specimen in particular accompanied him from the age of nineteen beyond his fiftieth birthday. The origin of this long relationship, which clearly shows the determination of the young Joachim to obtain this very violin, was recorded by the Hills: ‘Joachim purchased his first Stradivari, dated 1714, for 250 louis d’or = £200 (he was then nineteen) from Herr Mu¨ller, of Bremen. The price asked was 300 louis d’or = £240; but his uncles, who had agreed to find the money, considered this sum excessive. In the dilemma Joachim offered to make up the difference himself, but they would not consent; and finally the owner, seeing the artist’s anxiety to possess the violin, consented to accept the reduced price.’

Further Details

Antonio Stradivari Set 1, Volume 3, Page 100