Peder Källman

During his childhood, music was an important part of the daily life. He started playing the violin hisself at nine years old. When he was nineteen he moved to Gothenburg where he got his education as a music teacher. Some years later his passion for handicraft led him to the possibility to train to be a violin maker.
The training for violin making and restoring took place between 1982-1986, with Carlo Bergman from Helsinki, Finland as his teacher and master. Carlo mediated the Italian building tradition, which he had brought from his own training in Cremona during the late 1950's, with teachers such as Giuseppe Ornati and Pietro and Gaetano Sgarabotto.
Since 1986 he has been working as a violin maker and restorer, partly in his own studio and partly together with colleagues, as well as working as a violin making teacher. He received his Journeyman's Certificate after his training in 1986 and his Royal Mastership Diploma in 1990. Between 1997 and 2000 he was the main teacher at the violin making programme at Högskolan Dalarna (College of Dalecarlia). Since then he has had his own studio in Falun, mainly focusing on violin making. In the autumn of 2009 he has set up his violin studio in Gothenburg with making, restoration and shop.
He is a founder member of the SVM - the Guild of Swedish Violin Makers and S.V.I.T. – Swedish Violinmakers Italian Tradition.
Peder Källman
SE-414 65
Telephone: +46 70 3252139