Fabien Gram

Born in Brussels in 1964, Fabien Gram first came into contact with violin-making at the age of 14. As a result, he undertook a three-year course in lutherie under the tutelage of Maestro De Vylder. Gram deepened his knowledge of violin-making through the influence of Thadeusz Geisler Wyganowski (a Polish violinist and violin maker), who taught him how to set up instruments, as well as how to play the violin.
In 1986, Yehudi Menuhin autographed one of Gram’s instruments. A further violin caught the attention of the famous Rumanian violinist Lola Bobesco, who played on it in her later years. In 1987, Gram opened his own atelier in Brussels, “L’Atelier de Lutherie Gram”.
Since 1999 Gram has also run an atelier in France. His instruments are played by musicians all over the world; indeed, a number of musicians have won major prizes playing on his instruments, for example the “Concours Reine Elisabeth” (Queen Elisabeth Competition) in Belgium in 2001.