Fiorella Anelli

Fiorella Anelli was born in Milan in 1981. Passionate for music she studied the piano for many years. She gets interested in stringed instruments and after finishing the Scientific Highschool she decided to attend the "Civica scuola di Liuteria di Milano" where she graduated in 2004 under the guidance of Paola Vecchio, a pupil of Luca Primon for violinmaking and under G. Negri for restoration.
She worked in Cremona in the workshop of Michele Dobner and of Matteo Heyligers where she had the possibility to study in depth the construction method and set-up and sound adjustment.
In 2008 she attended in Cremona the course "Tecnico Superiore di Liuteria Barocca" (Advanced Technician of Baroque violin making), under the guidance of Edoardo Gorr, Federico Lowemberger, where she explored the themes of construction of antique instruments and their history, building a baroque violin and its bow and a viola da gamba.
She lives in Cremona, and she works in her workshop located near the Duomo in the town centre in Beltrami street, 28.